Hopi Ear Candle (Thermo-auricular Therapy)
I offer a selection of aromatherapy Hopi Ear Candles for this pleasant, relaxing and soothing treatment. I use Biosun Hopi Ear Candles which are made from pure bee's wax, honey extract, pure essential oils such as chamomile and sage, and premium organic linen. The Hopi Ear Candle treatment is very effective in helping conditions such as excessive wax in the ear canal, blocked sinuses or fluid in the middle ear. It can also relax clients who are suffering from stress or anxiety.
What happens?
The client lies on a comfortable treatment couch. The Hopi Ear Candle is gently inserted into the outer ear canal and held in position by the practitioner. There is a soft cracking noise as the candle burns, and a warm, comfortable feeling is felt in the ear and sinuses. The flame produces convection currents, which release wax or fluid in the outer and middle ear. The fluid or wax is vaporised and carried back into the candle, where it is either deposited in the candle filter or burnt. The burning of the candle is accompanied by a gentle MUHET cranial and sinus massage. This massage is soothing and relaxing, and helps to relieve tension in the head and neck area.
NB: Hopi Ear Candles are not suitable for clients with perforated eardrums.