MUHET Energy Therapy
What happens?
The client lies on a comfortable treatment couch. The treatment lasts up to 1¼ hours.
The treatment is pleasant and deeply relaxing. It feels like a light massage.
MUHET is a 'hands on' therapy using gentle touch through light clothing or on the skin.
The practitioner is attuned to Life Force Energy; this is channelled through their hands.
The body's energy pathways (meridians) and energy centres (Chakras) are opened up and revitalised.
It is safe, gentle, natural and suitable for all ages.
MUHET Energy Therapy is not based on religion or faith. The effectiveness does not depend on what you think, feel or believe.
MUHET works on the body, mind and spirit, and goes to the deepest levels.
The whole body can be balanced and energised.
MUHET can re-energise and vitalise you holistically and increase your sense of well-being.
Helps you to regain your inner peace and feel relaxed.
Can complement any other form of treatment.
Usually a course of three treatments is recommended.
NB: Due to Advertising Standards Authority rules, I am not permitted to state the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual conditions treated by MUHET Energy Therapy.